November 26, 2023
Dear Family and Friends,
Solomon so poetically states in Ecclesiastes that there is a season for everything under heaven. With that in mind I want to let you know that Arlene and I are announcing our retirement from full time ministry. Over the past couple of months, he has revealed to us the time has come to step down as your Pastor. We love each of you and First Church. It has been our home for over 30 years. In that time, you have been our family, our friends, our encouragers, and our biggest advocates.
Thank you for making these the best years of our lives.
Very few people can say they have been in the same career for 41 years. Even fewer can say they have been in the same place for over 30 years. When you look at people in ministry, those numbers go down significantly. I am a blessed man.
I’m sure you’re wondering why now? Simply put, I’m convinced its time. The last few years have been tough for all of us at First Church. We’ve navigated some difficult issues, and a number of friends and family members made the choice to leave our church. This has been hard for everyone. The genesis of this decision began then. We weathered those issues and I thank God for each of you that fought for our church. However, the recent events of staff turnover have convinced me that it’s time for a new “head coach.” I have always trusted God’s direction in my life and ministry, and I believe First Church will benefit from new leadership at this time. My desire has always been to do what is best for the church and his Kingdom.
When I began in ministry 41 years ago, I preached a series of sermons on the disciples. I took an in depth look at each of them: where they came from, their personalities, who they were to Jesus, and how he used them. I looked at the disciples and knew if he could teach and shape fishermen, tax collectors, brothers, hot heads, and doubters he could certainly teach and shape me. As I studied each of them, I knew that God could take a boy from Southwest Virginia and make him into a man that He could use.
You don’t have to know me for very long before you know just how much I love Jesus, my family, my church, and I love to preach. I am a very sensitive person and I feel my feelings very deeply. You don’t need to know me for very long to know this about me, also.
Believe it or not, this has been one of the things that has been the hardest for me as a pastor – I feel deeply. Over our years together, I have celebrated with you when you have gotten married, had babies, and all the other happy times in your lives. I have also mourned with you when you have buried those you love, and I have walked with many of you through the toughest seasons of your lives and I have felt those deep feelings with you. I have also been angry when I see that you have been hurt by others and when I see injustice done. I have never tried to be anything but myself to each of you whether I am preaching from this pulpit or sitting in your home. I know it is possible that you have been disappointed or even hurt by me over the last 30 years. I humbly apologize for that. I hope I have loved you in a way that makes you feel that I have always had your best in mind.
When the leadership chose the purpose and mission for First Church, I was the champion for “To bring honor and glory to God and enjoy Him forever” and “Helping people fall in love with Jesus.” Not only did I want those to be what drives First Church, but they are what drives me!
Arlene and I have been, and will continue to be, the biggest cheerleaders for First Church! The elders and we have agreed on January 14, 2024, as our final Sunday. That will be the day after my 63rd birthday. The elders will be taking over many responsibilities during this time and we will support them in any way possible.
From our earliest days in ministry, we have asked, and trusted God to lead and direct us regarding His calling on our lives. Retiring from First Church is not an easy decision, but it is the right one.
You may have questions, let me see if we can answer the ones that might be at the forefront of your mind.
- We currently have no plans to move away from this area.
- We are not retiring for health reasons. We are both in good health.
- We will not be pastoring another church.
We will continue to attend church but not here at First Church. I will follow the example of my predecessor, Carl Alexander, by giving your new pastor the time and space to establish himself here.
Arlene and I are feeling a variety of emotions! We first spoke to the Elders about our decision on October 11th, so we have had some time to get used to the idea of retirement. We know you will be dealing with a wide range of emotions, also. Time will help us all get used to the idea.
Let’s all take this week to get used to the idea of the changes that are coming. Once you let the news settle in you will probably feel a lot of the same things we do.
- We feel sad about leaving our First Church family.
- We feel excited for what God has for us in this next season of our lives.
- We even feel nervous about the unknown of the future!
We are all creatures of habit, and we love the familiar! That’s normal! Change is hard and uncomfortable for everyone. Let’s feel all these emotions together and continue to love, support, and encourage each other during this time of change.
I began this letter with a quote from Ecclesiastes. I will also end with a thought from the wise King Solomon. His assessment, after a lifetime of chasing pleasure, gaining knowledge, pursuing popularity, and testing wisdom was that it was all meaningless.
He concludes in:
- Ecclesiastes 2:24-25 - true enjoyment comes from following God and staying connected to him.
- Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 - God’s timing is perfect.
- Ecclesiastes 3:13 - satisfaction in life comes from God.
- Ecclesiastes 9:1 - all our days are in God’s hands.
Arlene and I will continue to follow God and stay connected to him, trust that his timing is perfect, find our satisfaction in him, and trust that all our days are in his hands. And we will pray the exact same for each of you.
This is an exciting time to be part of the kingdom.
I have loved being your pastor.
John and Arlene Collins