
  • Constitution Preamble
  • Article 1: Name
  • Article 2: Purpose
  • Article 3: Membership
    • 3.1 Requirements
    • 3.2 Process
    • 3.3 Membership Classes
    • 3.4 Membership Expectations
  • Article 4: Ministers, Officers & Staff
    • Section 1: Ministers
      • 4.1.1 Number:
      • 4.1.2 Term:
      • 4.1.3 Eligibility:
      • 4.1.4 Duties:
      • 4.1.5 Vacancies:
    • Section 2: Elected Officers
      • 4.2.1 Number:
      • 4.2.3 Eligibility:
      • 4.2.4 Duties Of Elders:
      • 4.2.5 Duties Of Deacons:
      • 4.2.6 Duties Of Deaconesses:
      • 4.2.7 Duties Of Trustees:
      • 4.2.8 Nominating Committee:
      • 4.2.9 Nomination:
      • 4.2.10 Election:
      • 4.2.11 Vacancies:
    • Section 3: Appointed Officers
      • 4.3.1 Number:
      • 4.3.2 Term:
      • 4.3.3 Eligibility:
      • 4.3.4 Duties Of Bible School Officers:
      • 4.3.5 Duties Of Junior Deacons:
      • 4.3.6 Duties Of Junior Deaconesses:
      • 4.3.7 Duties Of Emeritus Officers:
      • 4.3.8 Selection Of Appointed Officers:
    • Section 4: Church Staff
      • 4.4.1 Number:
      • 4.4.2 Term:
      • 4.4.3 Duties Of Secretary, Organist, Chancel Choir Director and Custodian:
      • 4.4.4 Duties Of Treasurer And Assistant Treasurer:
      • 4.4.5 Duties Of Financial Secretary And Assistant Financial Secretary:
      • 4.4.6 Vacancies:
  • Article 5: Church Board and Officers of the Church Board
    • 5.1 Members:
    • 5.2 Duties:
    • 5.3 Regular Meetings:
    • 5.4 Special Meetings:
    • 5.5 Quorum and Voting:
    • 5.6 Order Of Business:
    • 5.7 Officers:
    • 5.8 Term:
    • 5.9 Duties Of The Chairperson And Vice-chairperson:
    • 5.10 Duties Of The Secretary And Assistant Secretary:
    • 5.11 Vacancies:
  • Article 6: Ministry Teams and Committees
    • 6.1 Ministry teams:
    • 6.2 Number:
    • 6.3 Ministry Team Composition:
    • 6.4 Ministry Team Guidelines:
    • 6.5 Audit Committee Duties :
    • 6.6 Budget Committee Duties:
  • Article 7: Congregational Meetings
    • 7.1 Annual Meeting:
    • 7.2 Special Meetings:
    • 7.3 Quorum And Voting At Congregational Meetings:
  • Article 8: General Provisions
    • 8.1 Parliamentary Authority:

Constitution Preamble

Desiring to uphold, promote, and illuminate the fundamental principles of our faith and to protect equally the rights and privileges of the individual church member as well as the freedom of action of this body, this constitution is established. Having placed our faith solely in the Lord Jesus Christ for our salvation and following the way taught by Him, we therefore organize ourselves together as a body of baptized believers in Jesus Christ, adopting for our government, the following Constitution and Bylaws. We hereby revoke all previous constitutions and bylaws and action contrary to this Constitution as of November 19, 2023.

Article 1: Name

This congregation will be known as the First Church of Christ of Altoona.

Article 2: Purpose

The First Church of Christ is a self-governing, nondenominational New Testament church. Our purpose is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. We exist to help people fall in love with Jesus by our worship, service, fellowship, discipleship, and evangelism and to provide an authentic Christian community where people can experience Christ's love and grace, the power of prayer, and the truth of the Bible.

Article 3: Membership

3.1 Requirements

Persons desiring membership need only to make known that they have or are desirous of fulfilling the following requirements laid down in the New Testament for membership in this church, that is:

  • Faith in Jesus Christ as the Divine Son of God,
  • Repentance of one's sins resulting in a desire to do God's will,
  • Public confession of one's Faith in Jesus as the Christ
  • Baptism (immersion) in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

3.2 Process

An individual who is saved becomes a member of the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:13) and is united to Christ and the other members of the body in this way, therefore being qualified to become a member of a local expression of that body.

To become a member of a church an individual must formally commit to an identifiable, local body of followers who have joined together for specific, divinely ordained purposes.

These purposes include:

  • Receiving instruction from God’s Word (1 Tim. 4:13; 2 Tim. 4:2)
  • Serving and edifying one another through the proper use of spiritual gifts (Rom. 12:3-8; 1 Cor. 12:4-31; 1 Pet. 4:10-11, 1 Tim. 4:14)
  • Participating in the ordinances of communion and baptism (Luke 22:19; Acts 2:38-42)
  • Proclaiming the gospel to those who are lost (Matt. 28:18-20).
  • Caring for those who are in need. (Act 20:35, Pro 19:17, Mat 25:35-40, Gal 6:2, Deu 15:11, Mat 5:42, Pro 14:31, Luke 6:38, Pro 22:9, Heb 13:16, Luke 12:33-34, 1John 3:17-18, Psalm 82:4)
  • Fellowship with other members (Heb10:24-25, Acts 2:42, 2 Corinthians 6:14-17, 1 John 1:5-7, Phi 1:5, Eph 5:30, Acts 4:32, Rom 12:1)
  • Worship God biblically as He is revealed in Scripture (Heb 12:28, Luke 18:9-14, John 4:24, 1Cor 10:31)
  • Prayer (Mat 6:5-8, Heb 4:16, 1Ths 5:16-18, Phi 4:6-7, 1John 5:14-15, Mat 6:9-13, Mark 11:24)

When one becomes a member of a church, he submits himself to the care and the authority of the biblically qualified elders that God has placed in that assembly.

3.3 Membership Classes

The elders shall establish and maintain a course of instruction that introduces prospective members to the rights and responsibilities associated with belonging to a body of believers and creating a vision of growth in spiritual maturity from salvation through the course of life as a follower of Jesus.

3.4 Membership Expectations

Individuals who become members of First Church of Christ also become members of the local church, the expression of the body of Christ. Individually we can do nothing – but together (as the body), we can change the world.

The expectations of church membership listed below are in no way intended as an addition to the biblical obligations of a believer. Rather, this section serves as an accessible, yet non-exhaustive explanation of what the Scriptures teach about the obedience that faith produces.

Members of First Church are expected to:

  • Submit to the authority of the Scriptures as the final arbiter on all issues (Psalm 119; 2 Tim. 3:14–17; 2 Pet.1:19–21).
  • Pursue the Lord Jesus Christ through regular Bible reading, prayer, fellowship, and practice of spiritual disciplines (Luke 18:1; Acts 17:11; 1 Cor. 9:24–27; Eph. 5:1–21; 1 Thess. 5:12–22).
  • Follow the command and example of Jesus by participating in the ordinances prescribed to His Church:
    • Being baptized after accepting Christ as Savior.
    • Regularly remembering and celebrating the person and work of Christ through communion.
  • Regularly participate in the life of First Church by attending weekly services, engaging in gospel-centered community, and serving those within and outside of this church (Acts 2:42–47; Heb.10:23–25; Titus 3:14).
  • Steward the resources God has given, including time, talents, spiritual gifts, and finances. This includes regular financial giving, service, and participation in community that is sacrificial, cheerful, and voluntary (Matt. 25:14–30; Rom. 12:1–2; 2 Cor. 8–9; 1 Pet. 4:10–11).
  • By God’s grace through the power of the Holy Spirit, walk in holiness in all areas of life as an act of worship to Jesus Christ (1 Pet. 1:13–16, 4:1–3).
  • Take seriously the responsibility of Christian freedom, especially actions or situations that could present a stumbling block to another (1 Cor. 8:1–13).
  • Submit to the elders and other appointed leaders of the church and diligently strive for unity and peace within the church (Eph. 4:1–3; Heb. 13:17; 1 Pet.5:5).
  • Do the following should they leave the church for righteous reasons:
    • Notify the appropriate staff member.
    • Seek another church to carry out my biblical responsibilities as a believer.

Article 4: Ministers, Officers & Staff

Section 1: Elders

4.1.1 Description of the Office

Consistent with the exhortation of Scripture, First Church is led by a team of Elders. The Elders are responsible for governing, correcting, overseeing, and caring for the congregation. The role of Elder is a serious responsibility and is one which cannot be properly performed by a single individual. Rather Scripture describes church communities as being led by a plurality of Elders. The team of Elders must be comprised of individuals who:

  • are officially recognized members of this congregation.
  • lead a life that meets the qualifications of Scripture.
  • embody the spirit and intent of the mission of Elders found in Scripture.

4.1.2 Number

The Elders shall be comprised of not less than six (6) men. The number of Elders must be limited by the number of qualified men that the Lord raises up, generally not to exceed twelve (12), and the ability of the Elders to maintain intimate, deep, and growing relationships between its members. It is imperative that the Elders model accountability, care, and every other aspect of authentic biblical community. Great care should be taken regarding the number of Elders so as to ensure relational trust and intimacy amongst them.

4.1.3 Eligibility

The Scriptures are the ultimate authority regarding who is qualified for positions of leadership within church communities. Elders must meet the requirements found in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9. A summary of these requirements are as follows:

  • He must be above reproach.
  • He must demonstrate marital faithfulness. If married, he must remain faithful to his wife, and if unmarried, he must remain sexually abstinent.
  • He must be sober-minded, self-controlled, and respectable.
  • He must be hospitable to church members and strangers.
  • He must know the Scriptures well and be able to teach them faithfully.
  • He must not be a drunkard.
  • He must not be violent in word or deed.
  • He must be gentle and not quarrelsome.
  • He must not be greedy, but generous in what the Lord has given him.
  • He must manage whoever God has brought into his household with love and truth.
  • He must not be a recent convert; his faith must be tested and proved by the fruit of the Spirit over a considerable length of time.
  • He must be well respected by those outside the church.

4.1.4 Duties

The elders are called to shepherd, teach, and oversee the church. They have general supervision of all the interests of the congregation as set forth in Acts 20:28. The elders will serve the Lord Jesus Christ and promote the spiritual growth and welfare of His Church by fulfilling the following duties:

  • Preach the Scriptures as part of the weekly worship gathering.
  • Lead the congregation in the partaking of the Lord’s Supper as part of the weekly worship gathering.
  • Visit the sick, hurting, and recluse, providing the Lord’s Supper to those who cannot attend the weekly worship gathering.
  • Pursue the revitalization of inactive members and be concerned for those who have become spiritually indifferent or morally delinquent.
  • Oversee the Deacons, Deaconesses, Trustees, and staff hired by the church to ensure that their work is completed in excellence, their character has maintained integrity, and that they are encouraged to continue to work in the advancement of the mission of the church.
  • Lead members of the church through momentous and life-changing events including services such as baptisms, weddings or funerals.
  • Console members of the church to comfort them through pain, teach them the Scriptures, and promote a godly community of Christian brothers and sisters.
  • Pray with and for the members of the congregation, watching over their spiritual and physical needs;

The Elders must ensure that the duties are being accomplished well and in a healthy and sustainable manner. A plurality of Elders will be responsible for each of the duties listed above.

The Elders will also perform other duties deemed necessary by the chairperson of the Elders. The Elders can authorize executive actions for emergency situations without church board approval.

Above all, the Elders must set the example in spiritual attainment, evangelistic fervor, educational development, and the stewardship of time, talents and wealth. Each Elder is accountable to all the other Elders. No one Elder has more authority than any other Elder. The Elders are to maintain unity with one another as they pursue their calling to shepherd the congregation.

A written report will be given at each regular church board meeting.

4.1.5 Elder Candidates

Elders are raised up by God to provide spiritual leadership for the church.

Elder candidates can be submitted to the Elders at any time. In addition, the Elders may nominate candidates directly. All candidates, regardless of how or when they are brought to the Elders, shall be evaluated as defined in section 4.1.6.

A candidate must be identified as a man fitting the biblical qualifications of an Elder of the church and shall be submitted to a period of prayerful consideration by the existing Elders.

When making a nomination for an Elder candidate, it is important to consider wisely how the man being nominated conforms to the requirements listed in this section. This is not a popularity contest, and it is not an exclusive club; serving as an Elder carries with it a great responsibility and requires a dedication and time commitment that must be well understood prior to making any commitment.

4.1.6 Elder Examination/Selection Process

The examination process for Elder candidates is intentionally long in duration and intensive in scope. This helps to ensure that qualified individuals are called and those individuals are serving the congregation with the right motives. It also gives the candidate ample time to understand the commitment required and the expectations of the Elders that can only be understood over time.

All candidates will be examined as prescribed below to determine:

  • his personal knowledge and comprehension of the Word of God, especially as it relates to his being sound in doctrine and his knowledge as to the qualifications for an Elder;
  • his personal philosophy concerning the purpose of the local church and his responsibility as a leader within the church;
  • his agreement with the Beliefs & Governance of this church, in its entirety;
  • his ability and willingness to serve and participate actively as an Elder, to attend faithfully the services and programs of the church, and to support the various programs and activities of the church;
  • his ability to teach and his desire to cultivate this ability for the Lord;
  • his life of making disciples for Christ; and his history of being in biblical community including accountable, caring, submissive and enduring relationships with other believers.

The selection of a new Elder includes the steps below:

  1. Prayerful Consideration of each candidate. The Elders will prayerfully consider each candidate put forth from the nomination period and seek God’s wisdom and guidance in the next steps in the process.
  2. Notification of the candidate—Following a season of prayer, the Elders, will notify each candidate that they have been nominated to serve in the position of Elder. At that time, the candidate shall submit himself to a time of prayer concerning God's call upon his life and his possible service as an Elder of the church.
  3. Validation—Upon confirmation from the candidate of God's call on his life, the Elders shall begin the validation process which consists of:

  • An initial examination to determine whether he meets the qualifications of an elder as set forth above.
  • Re-affirmation that the candidate agrees with the Beliefs and Governance of the Church;
  • Presentation of the candidate to the congregation so that the congregation is aware of the candidate’s examination process.
  • Interviews with third parties concerning the candidate’s character, life, and Christian witness.
  • Social time with the candidate, his family and two or three of the other Elders and their wives.

Upon completion of Step 3, if the candidate still feels God’s call, the candidate will be invited to participate in various activities and meetings as deemed appropriate by the Elders Board. This participation enables the candidate to have hands-on experience with the responsibilities and activities of the Elders in order to develop a proper understanding of the commitment made in order to function as an Elder. During this time, the Elders will continue to evaluate the candidate to validate the candidate’s qualifications, giftings, and calling. While candidates may participate in the activities of the Elders during this time, they are not permitted to vote on any matters and are not privy to sensitive conversations or issues.

Confirmation—Upon satisfactory completion of the validation process, the Elder candidate shall be presented to the congregation on the next ballot period for their consideration. Should a candidate not wish to continue at any time, they will be removed from consideration. Elder candidates, after being confirmed by the current Elders will voted upon by the congregation at a duly called congregational meeting. Upon receiving 75% or greater of the congregational votes, candidates will be ordained by the Elders to serve as an Elder of the First Church of Christ of Altoona, PA.

4.1.7 Board Elders

The Elders will provide five (5) Elders to represent them on the Church Board. Board Elders must be nominated by the Elders and elected by the congregation as outlined in section 4.1.9.

4.1.8 Term

Unless terminated as outlined in section 4.1.10, Elders may serve for an indefinite term while Board Elders will serve a term of 3 years. Upon completion of the term, Board Elders must be nominated and elected again as outlined in section 4.1.9 in order to serve on the church board. Otherwise, they may continue to function as an Elder without church board responsibilities. Board Elders may serve an indefinite number of terms.

If the Elders deem it wise and/or necessary, a Board Elder who has reached the end of his 3-year term may, with his consent, and the consent of the rest of the Elders, have his term extended for a maximum of one (1) year. In the event this extension is made, upon completion of the extended term, the Board Elder must wait a minimum of one (1) year before being nominated and re-elected to the role of Board Elder.

If a Board Elder is unable to fulfill his responsibility due to unforeseen events or if his term is terminated as outlined in section 4.1.10, the Elders will have the authority to select a Lay Elder from the current Elders to fulfill the remainder of the vacated Board Elder’s term. The replacement Board Elder may not have his term extended under any circumstances, and if he wishes to serve as a Board Elder upon the completion of his term, he must be nominated and elected as outlined in section 4.1.9.

4.1.9 Nomination and Election

The Elders will be responsible for nominating the necessary number of Elders to serve as Board Elders each year. The Elders will nominate these Elders between September 15 and October 15.

One month before being presented to the congregation, the Church Board will review those whose terms are coming to an end, and the Chairperson of the Elders, after deliberating with the rest of the Elders, must provide a list of nominees to start new terms for the following year.

Nominations will be presented to the congregation one week prior to the annual congregational meeting. The election of Board Elders will be by ballot at the annual congregational meeting.

4.1.10 Correction/Separation-Restoration/Removal

The root word of discipline is disciple; its goal is to teach, remind, and correct, with the purpose of maintaining community/unity. Elders are to set the example in all things, including their behavior, attitudes, actions, and interactions with others, including how they discipline themselves.

“Do not receive an accusation against an elder except on the basis of two or three witnesses. Those who continue in sin, rebuke in the presence of all, so that the rest also will be fearful of sinning. I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and of His chosen angels, to maintain these principles without bias, doing nothing in a spirit of partiality.” 1 Timothy 5:19-21

This is the standard given to us in scripture by Paul.

Discipline at the Elders table is defined in the following three steps. This is not necessarily ‘progressive’ discipline, but it can be, if the offences are egregious enough.


This correction starts simply as a conversation between 2 Elders with the purpose to understand, be understood, and ultimately modify the offending behavior, action, etc. and keep the unity and community of the Elders intact. Should the conversation not be received well, or the actions/results agreed to not be evident, then the Elder initiating the conversation should bring another Elder and have the conversation again with the offending Elder. If that conversation does not address the issue, then all the Elders will have a conversation with the offending Elder, and decide a course of action. This must be a consensus decision.

Temporary Separation

If there have been multiple unsuccessful attempts to correct an Elder’s behavior or an Elder’s behavior becomes divisive, aggressive, or otherwise unacceptable, the Elders may seek to temporarily separate the offending Elder for a time. The purpose of this separation is to give the offending Elder an opportunity to rest, reflect, and address whatever issues may be going on in his life. The ultimate goal of separation is restoration. Although the separated Elder is not active in the activities or authority of the Elders, he will be cared for, and kept in contact with.

Should the Elders decide to temporarily separate the offending Elder, the Elders will stand with the offending Elder, in front of the congregation and the offender will read a written statement. This statement will be worked out ahead of time with the Elders. The offending elder will admit to breaking trust with the Elders, Leadership and the congregation, admit to his sin, and state that he is placing himself under the counsel and accountability of the Elders.

The Elder chairman will then address the congregation with a written statement that affirms the offending Elder, reminds the congregation that we are all sinners saved by Grace, clarifies that simply being an Elder does not mean we cannot sin, and asks the congregation to pray for the offender.

The statement will close with a statement saying that the Elders are separating from the offending Elder for some period of time with the intent of restoration at some later date, with any other details as appropriate.


After an appropriate separation, as agreed to by the Elders, the separated Elder may be restored to his Eldership position as follows:

  1. He must meet with the entire Eldership and discuss the steps taken to address the issue that caused his separation.
  2. If the Elders are satisfied that the steps taken and the results are acceptable, they will vote (without the offending Elder present) on whether or not to receive him back. This vote of restoration must be unanimous.
  3. If the vote is not unanimous, then the Eldership must decide what else needs to be done (if anything) and inform the offending elder of the results and the remaining steps.
  4. If the Elders cannot come to a unanimous decision, the offending Elder will remain separated from the Elders until such time as the vote is unanimous.
  5. If the vote of restoration is accepted, then the Elders, along with the offending Elder, will appear in front of the congregation. The Elder chairman will read a written statement declaring the offending Elder has met the criteria for restoration, that he has been examined by the rest of the Elders, and that the Eldership is restoring him to his position of Elder.


Elders may be removed in the following ways:

  • Resignation – and Elder may resign at any time he wishes, and the Elders will accept a written resignation whenever submitted.
  • Removal - If there have been multiple attempts to correct an Elder’s behavior, and the Elder has been separated, at least once, but the behavior continues, OR an Elders’ behavior is so egregious that it demands immediate attention, the Elders may seek to separate the offending Elder from the Elders

An Elder can be removed by a unanimous vote of the Elders (exclusive of the Elder whose removal is being considered) for just cause. Just cause includes, but is not limited to behavior and/or events that would disqualify him as set forth in Article 4, Section 1.3 or other life issues that affect his ability to maintain biblical community with the other Elders and discharge his responsibilities in an appropriate fashion.

If an Elder is removed under this section, the Elders (minus the Removed Elder) will stand before the congregation and read a brief written statement as to why/how the removed Elder was removed by unanimous vote of the other Elders and address any other pertinent issues that may exist.

If this is done correctly, the removal should not come as a complete surprise to the Elder being removed, or to the congregation because he will have appeared at least once before the congregation for the issue he is being removed over.

4.1.11 Pastoral Elders

The Pastoral Elder is an Elder in every sense as outlined in Section 4 of this document with the distinction that he has been employed by the church to dedicate his time and abilities to pastoring the congregation. As such, he is commissioned to special service within the Eldership and is called to be a vocational spiritual leader of the church. Pastoral Elders are expected to execute the daily pastoral duties necessary to the proper functioning of the church such as, but not limited to hospital visitation, representing the church in the larger community, encouraging staff, and being the Elders’ representative to staff and volunteers. A Pastoral Elder should be fully prepared for his ministry as required by the Elders. He should live a consistent Christian life, ruling his own house well and having a good testimony with non-Christians.

Pastoral Elders will be given a title which represents the primary reason for their employment. This title should easily communicate the ministry program they lead or task that they have been appointed to fulfill. Titles may include, but are not limited to, Lead Pastor, Discipleship Pastor, etc. Pastoral Elders are subject to all the qualifications and expectations for staff as outlined in 4.1.12.

Pastoral Elders are employees of First Church and are expected to participate in the discussions and decisions of the Elders that set the tone and direction for the congregation, but because they are an employee of First Church, they are accountable to the Elders and are not empowered to implement programs, or changes or other processes in a unilateral fashion. All of those decisions will be made by the Elders as a group.

The number of Pastoral Elders will be determined by the Elders and approved by the Church Board.

Pastoral Elders will attend all Church Board meetings and give a written report at the monthly board meeting. In order to avoid conflicts of interest, no more than one (1) pastoral elder may serve as a Board Elder at any given point. Pastoral Elders must be nominated and elected in the same manner as Lay Elders in order to serve on the Church Board as a Board Elder.

Pastoral Elders, like Lay Elders, are accountable to all the other Elders. No one Elder, pastoral or lay, may have any more or less authority than any other Elder.

4.1.12 Eligibility

The Pastoral Elder will not be selected without first confirming the items found in section 4.1.3.

Pastoral Elders must show excellence in the skills necessary to fulfill their appointed tasks. Pastoral Elders will be examined not only on the general qualifications for being an Elder, but on their proficiency to lead in their specified role.

4.1.13 Term

The Pastoral Elder will be selected for an indefinite term, which may be terminated by the Pastoral Elder or the Elders. The Elders and Treasurer, will set forth a written contract with the Pastoral Elder stipulating duties, salary, vacation, housing, retirement, terms of separation and other items deemed necessary by both parties. Such contract will be reviewed and/or adjusted by the Lay Elders and Treasurer for the ensuing year by December 31.

4.1.14 Responsibilities of a Pastoral Elder

Along with the duties related to his staff position, the Pastoral Elder has the same duties and responsibilities as the other Elders as outlined in section 4.1.4. He will serve the Lord Jesus Christ and promote the spiritual growth and welfare of His Church and will perform the normal pastoral duties generally pertaining to the ministry and other duties as determined by the Elders.

Although Pastoral Elders are hired individuals, as an Elder, set apart for special service, Pastoral Elders are subject to the same oversight, expectations and discipline as the rest of the Elders. While Pastoral Elders have additional responsibilities due to their employment, Pastoral Elders have no more or less authority than Lay Elders. In addition to providing written reports at monthly Church Board meetings, Pastoral Elders will provide regular reports to the rest of the Elders.

Pastoral Elders must also provide regular reports to the Administrative Director either at duly called staff meetings or whenever else deemed appropriate by the Administrative Director. Pastoral Elders must communicate with the Administrative Director regarding any logistical issues related to their employment such as contract negotiation, annual performance reviews, vacation time, etc.

4.1.15 Calling a Pastoral Elder

The number of Pastoral Elders will be determined by the Elders and approved by the Church Board. When desiring to appoint a Pastoral Elder, the Elders will appoint a search committee to assist in identifying qualified candidates. The search committee shall consist of a minimum of two elders, two deacons and two congregational members and will be appointed by the chairperson of the Elders. After a thorough review of all applicants, the search committee will recommend to the Elders the applicant best qualified to minister to this congregation.

Upon approval by 75% of the elders, the elders will recommend the applicant to the church board. Upon approval by 75% of those voting at a duly called church board meeting, the church board will recommend the applicant to the congregation. Upon approval by 75% of those voting at a duly called congregational meeting a call will be extended to the Pastoral Elder.

4.1.16 Removing a Pastoral Elder

When a Pastoral Elder resigns or is removed as outlined in 4.1.10, the Elders may call a meeting to inform the congregation of the reasons for the removal or resignation. When the Pastoral Elder resigns, the Elders shall accept his resignation, and the Church Board must vote to terminate the contract. When a Pastoral Elder resigns or is removed from that office, the Elders shall make provision for the interim fulfillment of the Pastoral Elder's responsibilities. In that event, an Interim Pastor may be appointed by the Elders as a minister to carry on the pastoral duties while the church is without the specified Pastoral Elder.

4.1.17 Elder Emeriti

Lay Elders seeking to reduce their commitment to the Elders while maintaining the spiritual role of the Elder may seek to be appointed to the role of Elder Emeritus. Elder Emeriti may serve as advisors to the Elders and participate in duties such as shepherding, preaching, counseling, etc. Elder Emeriti do not have any kind of voting power on the Elders but are welcome to participate in Elders meetings and offer input.

4.1.18 Appointing Elder Emeriti

Lay Elders wishing to become Elder Emeriti must make it known to the Elders. After necessary discussion and prayer, the other Elders serving on the Elders may vote to appoint the Elder to the role of Elder Emeritus.

Elder Emeriti may serve an indefinite term provided they maintain church membership.

If an Elder Emeritus would at any point seek to rejoin the Elders in a full capacity, they must undergo the process of nomination and election as outlined in 4.1.5 and 4.1.6 again.

Elder Emeriti may not serve on the Church Board in any capacity other than as a Trustee. An Elder Emeritus seeking to also become a Trustee must undergo the same process of nomination and election as outlined in 4.3.5.

Elder Emeriti are subject to the same process of discipline and removal as the Elders as outlined in 4.1.10. If an Elder Emeritus would like to remove themselves from the role entirely, they must make it known to the Elders at which point their status will be revoked.

Section 2: Deacons and Deaconesses

4.2.1 Description of the Office

Consistent with the exhortation of Scripture, Deacons and Deaconesses are called to lead specific ministry efforts within the church. The Deacons and Deaconesses will cooperate with the Elders in helping the church fulfill its purpose by assisting with all activities of the congregation. The Deacons and Deaconesses will serve the Lord Jesus Christ and promote the spiritual growth and welfare of His Church.

4.2.2 Number

The Deacons and Deaconesses shall be comprised of not less than four (4) individuals each. The number of Deacons and Deaconesses must be limited by the number of qualified individuals that the Lord raises up and the ability of the Deacons and Deaconesses to maintain intimate, deep, and growing relationships between its members. It is imperative that the Deacons and Deaconesses model accountability, care, and every other aspect of authentic biblical community. Great care should be taken regarding the number of Deacons and Deaconesses so as to ensure relational trust and intimacy amongst them.

4.2.3 Eligibility

Deacons and Deaconesses must meet the requirements found in 1 Timothy 3:8-13. A summary of these requirements are as follows:

  • He or she must be a person of dignity.
  • He or she must be a person of sincerity.
  • He or she must not be a drunkard.
  • He or she must not be greedy.
  • He or she must hold to the faith with a clear conscience.
  • He or she must be careful with their words as to not gossip.
  • He or she must be temperate and faithful in all things.
  • He or she must manage their households well.
  • He or she must be examined so that their faith and character may be evident.

4.2.4 Duties

Deacons and Deaconesses are called to lead specific tasks and ministry programs within the church. These tasks and programs will be determined annually by the Elders. These duties may include, but are not limited to, church hospitality, caregiving, outreach, discipleship, assistance with the administering of the sacraments, and safety. The Deacons and Deaconesses will each have their own board for the purpose of wisely distributing duties and responsibilities between the two groups. While separate, the Deacons and Deaconesses are to be understood as wholly equal to one another.

The Deacons and Deaconesses will elect their own officers for the ensuing year, after the annual congregational meeting and prior to January 1. If treated as separate groups, the Deacons and Deaconesses will each have their own officers.

A written report will be given by both entities at each regular Church Board meeting.

4.2.5 Deacon and Deaconess Candidates

Deacons and Deaconesses are raised up by God to promote the mission and efforts of the Church.

Deacon and Deaconess candidates may be submitted to the Elders at any time. In addition, the Elders may nominate candidates directly. All candidates, regardless of how or when they are brought to the Elders, shall be evaluated as defined in section 4.2.6.

A candidate must be identified as a man or woman fitting the biblical qualifications of a Deacon or Deaconess of the church and shall be submitted to a period of prayerful consideration by the existing Elders.

When making a nomination for a Deacon or Deaconess candidate, it is important to consider wisely how the man or woman being nominated conforms to the requirements listed in this section. This is not a popularity contest, and it is not an exclusive club; serving as a Deacon or Deaconess carries with it a great responsibility and requires a dedication and time commitment that must be well understood prior to making any commitment.

4.2.6 Deacon and Deaconess Examination/Selection Process

The examination process for Deacon and Deaconess candidates is intensive in scope. This helps to ensure that qualified individuals are called, and those individuals are serving the congregation with the right motives. It also gives the candidate ample time to understand the commitment required and the expectations of the Deacon or Deaconesses that can only be understood over time.

All candidates will be examined as prescribed below to determine:

  • his or her personal knowledge and comprehension of the Word of God, especially as it relates to his being sound in doctrine and his knowledge as to the qualifications for a Deacon or Deaconess;
  • his or her personal philosophy concerning the purpose of the local church and his or her responsibility as a leader within the church;
  • his or her agreement with the Beliefs & Governance of this church, in its entirety;
  • his or her ability and willingness to serve and participate actively as a Deacon or Deaconess, to attend faithfully the services and programs of the church, and to support the various programs and activities of the church;
  • his or her life of making disciples for Christ; and his or her history of being in biblical community including accountable, caring, submissive and enduring relationships with other believers.

The selection of a new Deacon or Deaconess includes the steps below:

  1. Prayerful Consideration of each candidate. The Elders will prayerfully consider each candidate put forth from the nomination period and seek God’s wisdom and guidance in the next steps in the process.
  2. Notification of the candidate—Following a season of prayer, the Elders, will notify each candidate that they have been nominated to serve in the position of Deacon or Deaconess. At that time, the candidate shall submit himself or herself to a time of prayer concerning God's call upon his or her life and his or her possible service as a Deacon or Deaconess of the church.
  3. Validation—Upon confirmation from the candidate of God's call on his or her life, the Elders shall begin the validation process which consists of:
  • An initial examination to determine whether he or she meets the qualifications of a deacon or deaconess as set forth above.
  • Re-affirmation that the candidate agrees with the Beliefs and Governance of the Church;
  • Interviews with third parties concerning the candidate’s character, life, and Christian witness.

Upon completion of Step 3, if the candidate still feels God's call, the candidate will be invited to participate in various activities and meetings as deemed appropriate by the Chairperson of the Deacons or the Chairperson of the Deaconesses. This participation enables the candidate to have hands-on experience with the responsibilities and activities of the Deacons and Deaconesses in order to develop a proper understanding of the commitment made in order function as a Deacon or Deaconess. During this time, the Elders and the Chairperson of the Deacons or the Chairperson of the Deaconesses will continue to evaluate the candidate to validate the candidate’s qualifications, giftings, and calling. While candidates may participate in the activities of the Deacons or Deaconesses during this time, they are not permitted to vote on any matters and are not privy to sensitive conversations or issues.

Confirmation—Upon satisfactory completion of the validation process, the Deacon or Deaconess candidate shall be presented to the congregation on the next ballot period for their consideration. Should a candidate not wish to continue at any time, they will be removed from consideration. Deacon and Deaconess candidates, after being confirmed by the current Elders and voted upon by the congregation at a duly called congregational meeting, are ordained by the Elders to serve as a Deacon or Deaconess of the First Church of Christ of Altoona, PA.

4.2.7 Board Deacons and Deaconesses

The Deacons and the Deaconesses will provide up to four male representatives and four female representatives to serve as Church Board Deacons and Deaconesses. Board Deacons and Deaconesses nominations must be validated by the Elders, in coordination with the Chairperson of the Deacons and the Chairperson of the Deaconesses and elected by the congregation as outlined in section 4.2.9. Board Deacons and Deaconesses function as representatives from the Deacons and Deaconesses for all Church Board functions. Board Deacons and Deaconesses are members of the Church Board and are the only members eligible to serve as officers within the Deacons and Deaconesses.

4.2.8 Term

Unless terminated as outlined in section 4.2.10, Deacons and Deaconesses may serve for an indefinite term while Board Deacons and Deaconesses will serve a term of 3 years. Upon completion of the term, Board Deacons and Deaconesses must be nominated and elected again as outlined in section 4.2.9, otherwise they may continue to function as a standard Deacon or Deaconess. Board Deacons and Deaconesses may serve an indefinite number of terms.

If the Elders deem it wise and/or necessary, a Board Deacon or Deaconesses who has reached the end of his 3-year term may, with his or her consent, and the consent of the rest of the Elders, have his or her term extended for a maximum of one (1) year. In the event this extension is made, upon completion of the extended term, the Board Deacon or Deaconess must wait a minimum of one (1) year before being nominated and reelected to the role of Board Deacon or Deaconess.

If a Board Deacon or Deaconess is unable to fulfill his or her responsibility due to unforeseen events or if his or her term is terminated as outlined in section 4.2.10, the Elders will have the authority to select a Deacon or Deaconess to fulfill the remainder of the replaced Board Deacon or Deaconess’ term. The replacement Board Deacon or Deaconess may not have his or her term extended under any circumstances, and if he or she wishes to serve as a Board Deacon or Deaconess upon the completion of his or her term, he or she must be nominated and elected as outlined in section 4.2.9.

4.2.9 Nomination and Election

Each year, between September 15 and October 15, the Deacons and Deaconesses will be responsible for nominating the necessary number of members to serve on the Church Board.

One month before being presented to the congregation, the Church Board will review those whose terms are coming to an end, and the Chairperson of the Elders, after deliberating with the rest of the Elders, must validate the list of nominees presented by the Deacons and Deaconesses.

Nominations will be presented to the congregation one week prior to the annual congregational meeting. The election of Board Deacons and Deaconesses will be by secret ballot at the annual congregational meeting.

4.2.10 Discipline/Removal

No Deacon or Deaconess can be removed except for just cause as determined by a unanimous vote of the Elders. Just cause includes but is not limited to: events that would disqualify him or her as set forth in Article 4, Section 2.3 or behavior, schedule or stage of life that affects his or her ability to maintain biblical community with the other Deacons and Deaconesses. If any Deacon or Deaconess fails to maintain biblical community with the other Deacons or Deaconesses, he or she should be informed and asked to make immediate adjustments to his or her schedule or voluntarily resign his or her office. The Elders will accept the written resignation of a Deacon or Deaconess whenever submitted.

4.2.11 Staff Deacons and Deaconesses

If deemed good and wise to do so by the Elders, the church may seek to employ an individual to perform the duties of a Deacon or Deaconess in a full or part time capacity. These Deacon and Deaconess positions are to be set forth by the Elders and approved by the Church Board.

4.2.12 Eligibility

Staff Deacons and Deaconesses must meet all of the qualifications of Deacons and Deaconesses as outlined in section 4.2.3. In addition to these qualifications, Staff Deacons and Deaconesses must show a high degree of proficiency in the tasks they are called to perform.

4.2.13 Term

Staff Deacons and Deaconesses will be selected for an indefinite term, which may be terminated by the Staff Deacon or Deaconess or the Elders. The Elders and Treasurer will set forth a written contract with the Staff Deacon or Deaconess stipulating duties, salary, vacation, housing, retirement, terms of separation and other items deemed necessary by both parties. Such contract will be reviewed and/or adjusted for the ensuing year by December 31.

4.2.14 Responsibilities of Staff Deacons and Deaconesses

Staff Deacons and Deaconesses have the same duties and responsibilities as the other Deacons and Deaconesses as outlined in section 4.2.4. Staff Deacons and Deaconesses will be given specific titles which represent the primary reason for their employment. Such titles may include, but are not limited to, Church Administrator, Small Groups Coordinator, Student Ministry Director, Kids Ministry Director, Nursery Director, Creative Director, Praise Team Director, Outreach Coordinator, etc.

4.2.15 Calling the Staff Deacon or Deaconess

The number of Staff Deacons and Deaconesses will be determined by the Elders and approved by the Church Board. When desiring to appoint a Staff Deacon or Deaconess, the Elders will appoint a search committee to assist in identifying qualified candidates. The search committee shall consist of a minimum of two elders and two deacons and will be appointed by the chairperson of the Elders. After a thorough review of all applicants, the search committee will recommend to the Elders the applicant best qualified to minister to this congregation.

Upon approval by 75% of the elders, the elders will recommend the applicant to the church board. Upon approval by 75% of those voting at a duly called church board meeting, the church board will recommend the applicant to the congregation. Upon approval by 75% of those voting at a duly called congregational meeting a call will be extended to the Staff Deacon or Deaconess

4.2.16 Removing a Staff Deacon or Deaconess

When a Staff Deacon or Deaconess resigns or is removed as outlined in 4.2.10, the Elders may call a meeting to inform the congregation of the reasons for the removal or resignation. When the Staff Deacon or Deaconess resigns, the Elders and Church Board shall accept his or her resignation. Upon removal or resignation of a Staff Deacon or Deaconess, the Elders shall make provision for the interim fulfillment of the Staff Deacon or Deaconess’ responsibilities.

Section 3: Trustees

4.3.1 Description of the Office

Trustees serve as the legal agents of the church in all matters as required by local, state, and federal laws. They are to care for the church’s facilities and property and are instrumental in offering guidance to the Church Board on practical matters.

4.3.2 Number

The Trustees shall be comprised of not less than five (5) individuals.

4.3.3 Eligibility

Trustees must prove to be capable and responsible individuals. While the role of Trustee is not a spiritual one, it is an important and vital role to the organization of the church. As such, Trustees must be examined for their capability to execute tasks well and take their responsibility seriously.

4.3.4 Duties

The trustees have the custody and control of all tangible property of the congregation; have custody of all deeds, papers and documents and will secure the same in an appropriate and safe place in the name of the church, and separate from their own; take such actions as instructed by duly adopted resolutions of the church board and/or congregation; sign no papers, instruments or documents of any character on behalf of the church without first being duly authorized by the church board and/or congregation; authorize the expenditure of funds for emergency repairs of church property without church board approval. The trustees will elect their own officers for the ensuing year, after the annual congregational meeting and prior to January 1. A written report will be given at each regular church board meeting.

4.3.5 Trustee Examination/Selection Process

The selection of a new Trustee includes the steps below:

  1. Prayerful Consideration of each candidate. The Elders will prayerfully consider each candidate put forth from the nomination period and seek God’s wisdom and guidance in the next steps in the process.
  2. Notification of the candidate—Following a season of prayer, the Elders, will notify each candidate that they have been nominated to serve in the position of Trustee. At that time, the candidate shall submit himself or herself to a time of prayer concerning God's call upon his or her life and his possible service as a Trustee of the church.
  3. Validation—Upon confirmation from the candidate of God's call on his or her life, the Elders will thoughtfully examine the candidate to ensure that the candidate is responsible and trustworthy. The Elders will examine the candidate to ensure that the candidate is passionate about the mission of the church and is an active part of the church community.
  4. Confirmation—Upon satisfactory completion of the validation process, the Trustee candidate shall be presented to the congregation on the next ballot period for their consideration. Should a candidate not wish to continue at any time, they will be removed from consideration. Trustee candidates, after being confirmed by the current Elders and voted upon by the congregation at a duly called congregational meeting, are appointed by the Elders to serve as a Trustee of the First Church of Christ of Altoona, PA.

4.3.6 Board Membership

All Trustees will serve on the Church Board for the entirety of their term.

4.3.7 Term

Unless terminated as outlined in section 4.3.9, Trustees will serve for a one (1) year term.

If a Trustee is unable to fulfill his or her responsibility due to unforeseen events or if his or her term is terminated as outlined in section 4.3.9, the Elders will have the authority to appoint a Deacon or Deaconess to the role of Trustee to fulfill the remainder of the replaced Trustee’s term.

4.3.8 Nomination and Election

The Elders will be responsible for nominating Trustees each year. The Elders will nominate these Trustees between September 15 and October 15.

One month before being presented to the congregation, the Church Board will review those whose terms are coming to an end, and the Chairperson of the Elders, after deliberating with the rest of the Elders, must provide a list of nominees to start new terms for the following year.

Nominations will be presented to the congregation one week prior to the annual congregational meeting. The election of Trustees will be by secret ballot at the annual congregational meeting.

4.3.9 Discipline/Removal

No Trustee can be removed except for just cause as determined by a unanimous vote of the Elders. Just cause includes but is not limited to: events which prove the Trustee to be untrustworthy or incapable in their role, abandonment of clear Biblical teaching, apostasy, etc. The Elders will accept the written resignation of a Trustee whenever submitted.

Section 4: Auxiliary Staff

4.4.1 Description of the Office

Auxiliary Staff are employed by the church to fulfill necessary practical matters. These employees do not hold a position of spiritual leadership within the church but may work closely with the Elders/Deacons and Deaconesses depending on the task.

4.4.2 Number

Auxiliary Staff may include, but not be limited to: Administrative Assistant, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Facilities Manager, and other staff as determined by the Church Board.

4.4.3 Eligibility

Auxiliary Staff must prove to be responsible individuals who are competent in their specified role. While these staff roles do not consist of spiritual leadership, they are important and vital roles to the organization of the church. As such, Auxiliary Staff must be trustworthy individuals who desire to support the mission of the church.

4.4.4 Duties

Auxiliary Staff are directly responsible to the Chairperson of the Church Board. If deemed good and wise, the Church Board may appoint a Church Administrator which Auxiliary Staff will report to. Duties for each staff member are as defined in the written job description or contract provided to each staff member. The contracts will be reviewed annually by the Elders Treasurer, and if appointed, the Church Administrator.

4.3.5 Vacancies

Church staff will be appointed, or employed, in consultation with the elders, ministers and treasurer, and with church board approval.

Article 5: Church Board and Officers of the Church Board

5.1 Members:

The church board will consist of the officers (elders, deacons, deaconesses, and trustees) and will include ministry team leaders and the ministers of the congregation.

5.2 Duties:

The normal business of the congregation will be transacted by the church board on behalf of the congregation. The obligation of church board members includes attending all church board meetings and willingly serving on ministry teams.

5.3 Regular Meetings:

The regular meetings of the church board will be held monthly, beginning in January. The day and hour will be set by the church board. The chairperson of the church board, in consultation with the senior minister and the elders, may cancel a meeting if it is determined that a regular meeting is unnecessary.

5.4 Special Meetings:

Special church board meetings may be called by the chairperson of the church board or by written request of a majority of the church board members, provided a general announcement detailing the date, time, and purpose of the meeting is made to church board members verbally or in print, prior to the special board meeting.

5.5 Quorum and Voting:

In a duly called church board meeting, any number of members will constitute a quorum. A simple majority vote of the quorum will be required to pass any motion, except as noted in Article 4, Section 1. There will be neither proxy nor absentee votes. In order for a board member to vote on any ensuing business, they must have attended the previous board meeting unless the board member has called the church office, in advance of the meeting, to inform the chairperson they cannot attend. A sign-in sheet will be provided prior to each meeting in order to verify attendance.

5.6 Order Of Business:

The suggested agenda for regular church board meetings will be:

  1. Call to order
  2. Scripture
  3. Approval of minutes
  4. Correspondence
  5. Reports
  6. Unfinished business
  7. New business
  8. Adjournment
  9. Prayer

5.7 Officers:

Officers will include chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary, assistant secretary, and will be selected from the elders.

5.8 Term:

Officers will serve a term of one year or until successors are elected. Terms will begin on January 1.

5.9 Duties Of The Chairperson And Vice-chairperson:

The chairperson of the church board will preside at all meetings of the church board and the congregation, maintaining order and directing its business; sign all legal documents authorized by the church board or congregation; be ex-officio member of all organized groups, auxiliaries, and ministry teams; perform such other duties as generally pertain to the chairperson of the board of directors of a corporation unless otherwise stated in this constitution. The vice-chairperson will, in the absence of the chairperson, be delegated the same authority and duties.

5.10 Duties Of The Secretary And Assistant Secretary:

The secretary will keep a complete record of the proceedings of all meetings of the church board and congregation, and issue such correspondence or notices of meetings as directed. The assistant secretary will, in the absence of the secretary, be delegated the same authority and duties.

5.11 Vacancies:

If the office of chairperson of the church board should be vacated, the vice-chairperson will assume the office and appoint a vice-chairperson, in consultation with the elders and ministers. Other vacancies will be filled by appointment by the chairperson of the church board, in consultation with the elders and ministers. The appointee will serve the balance of the original term.

Article 6: Ministry Teams and Committees

6.1 Ministry teams:

Ministry teams will play an active role in meeting the needs of the congregation and the community by providing avenues of service in accordance with the purpose of the church as stated in Article 2.

6.2 Number:

The number of ministry teams will not be limited and will be determined by the needs of the congregation and the community.

6.3 Ministry Team Composition:

Each team should consist of a team leader, who is a member of the church, and a core group of three to five persons. Team leaders will serve as a member of the church board.

6.4 Ministry Team Guidelines:

All ministry teams and team leaders will be approved by the elders. Potential teams must provide the elders with a purpose statement, goals/objectives, and the name of the team leader. All ministry teams are encouraged to submit a monthly written report to the elders and church board.

6.5 Audit Committee Duties:

The audit committee will make a complete and detailed audit of all financial records for the previous year and submit their findings to the church board no later than the second regular church board meeting following the close of the fiscal year.

6.6 Budget Committee Duties:

The budget committee, comprised of members of the finance ministry team, will prepare a budget for the ensuing year and present the same to the elders and church board for review prior to November 1. Upon the church board's recommendation, the proposed budget will be made available to the congregation at least one week prior to the annual congregational meeting.

Article 7: Congregational Meetings

7.1 Annual Meeting:

The annual congregational meeting(s) of the church will be held on the third Sunday in November, immediately following the morning worship service(s). The purpose of said meeting(s) will be the election of church officers, adoption of the proposed budget for the ensuing year, and any other business published in the bulletin and/or newsletter at least one week prior to the annual congregational meeting(s).

7.2 Special Meetings:

Special congregational meetings may be called, by the chairperson of the church board, or by written request of a majority of the church board members or by written request of 25 members of the congregation, provided the date, time, and purpose of said meeting is published in the bulletin and/or newsletter at least one week prior to the special congregational meeting.

7.3 Quorum And Voting At Congregational Meetings:

In a duly called congregational meeting, any number of active members will constitute a quorum. A simple majority vote of the quorum will be required to pass any motion, except as noted in Article 4: Section 1. There will be neither proxy nor absentee votes.

Article 8: General Provisions

8.1 Parliamentary Authority:

Actions of business meetings of this church will adhere to the latest revision of Robert's Rules of Order, allowing such adherence, as modified by this constitution and by-laws, will not become an undue burden to the church.

8.2 Church / Bible school Year:

The business, or fiscal, year of the church will be January 1 through December 31. The Bible school year, as set by the publishers of such materials, will be September 1 through August 31.

8.3 Liability Of Members And/Or Officers:

The personal property of any individual member or officer, or group of members or officers of this congregation, or any organization of the congregation, will not be subject for the payment of any debt incurred by this congregation.

8.4 Acquisition Of Materials, Supplies And Property:

Prior to the purchase of any material or supplies, a requisition will be submitted for approval to either the chairperson of the church board, chairperson of the elders, or the chairperson of the trustees. Authority for the approval of such requisitions will be limited to a normal and reasonable amount as provided for, in principal, in the budget except in the case of extreme emergencies. Request for expenditures above a normal and reasonable amount as provided for, in principal, in the budget will be referred to the stewardship and finance ministry team for approval. The acquisition, disposition, or transfer of any real estate will be brought to the congregation for approval upon the church board's recommendation.

8.5 Investments / Trust Funds:

The chairpersons of the church board, trustees, stewardship & finance ministry team and treasurer will share responsibility for the investment of any and all monies in excess of necessary liquid funds in a manner providing the best possible preservation of principal with a reasonable rate of interest.

8.6 Self-Governing:

This congregation will be self-governed such that no agency or any religious movement or group will at any time have any jurisdiction over any action or holdings of this congregation, nor will it have the right to interfere with the actions of this congregation, regarding the establishment of policies, or anything pertaining to the actions of this congregation.

8.7 Amendments:

This constitution and by-laws may be amended by the adoption of such amendments at a duly called congregational meeting.

This constitution and by-laws, having been adopted at a duly called congregation meeting on November 21, 1999, will become effective on the same, superseding any and all previous constitutions and/or by-laws.

8.31 Dissolution Clause:

If the First Church of Christ of Altoona were ever to cease to exist, and subsequently dissolve its Articles of Incorporation, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all the liabilities of the Church, then the remaining assets of the Church will be disposed of in such a way as to exclusively benefit either other Christian Churches and/or Churches of Christ, recognized as tax-exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS tax code. At no time, would any individuals, officers, employees, members and/or attendees of the Church be able to benefit or profit in any way from said dissolution.

This constitution and by-laws, having been amended at a duly called congregational meeting November 19, 2023, will become effective on the same, superseding any and all constitutions and/or by-laws.