Shocking Statements of Jesus, Part 6: “”Not seven times, but seventy times seven times [you should forgive your brother].” Shocking Statements of Jesus, Part 6: “”Not seven times, but seventy times seven times [you should forgive your brother].” February 10, 2013 • John Collins
Shocking Statements of Jesus, Part 5: “Love Your Enemies” Shocking Statements of Jesus, Part 5: “Love Your Enemies” February 3, 2013 • Bob Hocutt
Shocking Statements of Jesus, Part 4: “If your eye causes you to sin, take it out.” Shocking Statements of Jesus, Part 4: “If your eye causes you to sin, take it out.” January 27, 2013 • Don McClune
Shocking Statements of Jesus, Part 3: “I did not come to bring peace, but a sword” Shocking Statements of Jesus, Part 3: “I did not come to bring peace, but a sword” January 19, 2013 • John Collins
Shocking Statements of Jesus Part 1: Drink My Blood Shocking Statements of Jesus Part 1: Drink My Blood January 6, 2013 • John Collins